Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Two Pages

All I had to do was write two pages, and it didn't even need to have any of my own thoughts. Just explain someone else's argument. I didn't write my paper to be the most mediocre in the class, or the worst in the class, I wrote it to be the best in the class. Of course, when the top four papers were chosen (one of which I happened to think was the worst of all 13 papers, but no matter), mine was not among them.

What am I doing here if I can't even write a good two-page, ungraded, analytic-argument paper?

But I guess this is a good time to make these mistakes, before it really counts. But honestly, if I can't be the best at what I do, I don't even know why I would bother.

End self-deprecating post.

1 comment:

Sammee said...

What kind of an assignment is that, and what was the criteria for judging the papers?! I would say the fault lies in the grader, not in you. OBVIOUSLY you are quite capable of completing such an assignment to a level of high skill! It seems like a bullshit assignment and you shouldn't give it a moment's thought. Grad school is full of this bullshit. Grrrr. What kind of mistake could you have possibly made?! They're just trying to scare you... scare tactics, I tell you! Grrrr again.