Saturday, January 13, 2007

Another Video

This is maybe my second-favorite video. Coldplay's The Scientist. Great song, great concept for the video.

I also like their video for Fix You. The end of this song is great, and I love the return to just two or three notes. I saw them perform this in concert, and while you might not buy into Coldplay, they build up to the end perfectly, and the lead singer's dramatics are incredibly effective. (I should say that that's the only song I felt that way about; his odd movements are too distracting and false-seeming most of the time.) As my closest friends know, the songs and poems I find most effective usually use repetition, and this song is no exception. It's best listened to loud (as are most songs) and seen either in person or on a large screen, but these will have to do.

1 comment:

thecrazydreamer said...

fix you is such a great song that all i had hoped for from the music video was one that didn't ruin it. i'm glad they went with a simple video. normally i'm not a big fan of concert footage for music videos, but this is well done. it sort of leaves the song as is, so that anyone is free to interpret it how they naturally interpret it.

the scientist is a good video too. i like the singing backwards thing... i saw another video that did this not long ago... i don't remember the singer or song. i think coldplay's version works better though.