Saturday, September 01, 2007

Te Quiero

Just now, in the alley outside my building, a hispanic guy pulled up in his white Suburban, left the lights on, got out (minus a shirt) and blasted a Mexican love song, hoping that the woman on the fourth floor of the building across the street (that was the only apartment with the lights on) would come out and embrace his naked, sweaty torso.

He left the music going for about three minutes and, before the song was over, turned it down out of apparent embarrassment and resorted to honking the horn and shaking the chainlink gate to the complex. After about 60 seconds of walking back and forth from the horn to the gate, he finally got in his car, turned on the ignition and squealing his tires, gave up.

Oh wait, he's back...


This time, he put his flashers on, left the music off, honked the horn for about 15 seconds, walked once around the Suburban, then drove off. Don't give in, lady!

1 comment:

Sammee said...

HAHA. That is priceless! You are so lucky you were able to witness it. Truly brilliant.